Wednesday, June 8, 2011

ICUBS and a new BABY!!!

Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend. It was hot hot hot!!! and beautiful out.

As I am sure most of you have heard we had a new baby this week. Summer our paint mare had a little paint filly. The boys had gone to bed early one night this week and had wore me out. To relax I like to just go hang out at the gate and watch the timber and the animals. I was standing there for a good 20 minutes and Chris decided to do chores. He did the usual whistling for them and Summer hollered back (which is unusual). Then all of the mules including Don Key ran, I mean ran. They usually trot but all of them were at a dead run to the grain. Summer is usually the first to come to the feed bunk and tonight she was last just walking around the corner of the fence. Meanwhile I am still just head in the clouds watching when around the corner comes this beautiful little surprise!!
I was absolutely speechless, to say the least. I kept yelling for Chris but nothing would come out. Then finally I ran to the other side of the barn and was pointing. He looked up and out of his mouth came "what the hell??? How did that......??? One thought. Muck. She had been at Muck's house last year while we weaned Diesel from her. Muck has Maverick. Chris went ahead and called Muck sounding desperate for help and out came Muck. We showed Muck the new horse and asked him to explain this to us and all we got was hysterical laughter!! I'm glad someone found humor in this. It is pretty funny. She is a little cutie and now we just need to focus on giving her a name (and lots of attention)!!

Now onto our really exciting news, we finally finally finally got our new horse trailer. Chris, Gunnar and I went to go get while Grandma Jones took Hunter to his ball game on friday night. Thank you Grandma Carol. Needless to say we all love it. It will be so much fun and I hope we get many years of use out of it with the boys and trail riding!!

Saturday brought a ball game and more ball games. Hunter had his in the afternoon and did well. Then we packed up the troops and went down to Des Moines for and ICubs game. We ate at Mullets, a restaurant across the river from the ball park. Then headed out to the game. The boys had a BLAST!!! Hunter was glued to the game watching all the homeruns and all the great catches and plays. He really was taking it all in and learning which is important right now. Meanwhile dad explained the rules of Big Boy baseball and kept buying the boys treats and food!! Here are some pics of us all enjoying our night at the ball park.
Gunnar insisted on getting a picture with the slice of Casey's pizza! LOL Enjoy!

On Sunday we spent most of the morning sleeping while mom filled up the new trailer with everything out of the old trailer. Dad and Lumpy built shelves in the work trailer. When the boys got up it was so hot they wanted to immediately get out the slip n slide to play on. Although give them a 50 cent sprinkler from a garage sale and they will entertain themselves for hours. We had a visit from Chris's Grandma Audrey and her sister Carita and Carita's daughter Kim for a little while that afternoon. It was nice to see them again. They are all looking great!! Here are some pics of the boys enjoying the heat and cooling off!!

Well until next weekend. Sounds like we are going fishing with the boys and a ball game, heading to the Furman Aquatic Center on Sunday and perhaps take in a rodeo if we have time. Have a great week everyone!!

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