Sunday, April 17, 2011

Mutton Bustin, Easter Bunny and The Case of the Missing Donkey!!

Greetings Everyone!!! I am sure you have heard by now that Hunter's new Donkey has vanished!!!! He is pretty upset but still hasn't been overly worried. While Hunter was at baseball practice Wedsnesday night, we realized Gordy had not come up to eat. Chris, Gunnar and I searched the timber looking for luck. CJ, Justin, and Chris searched the next 2 days searching every square inch of the 40 acres and nothing. Muck and his wife came out saturday and......nothing. They did find 2 spots where he could have gotten out. So Muck came out on Sunday and he, myself and Chris saddled up and went looking for signs of the escapee.......surprise......NOTHING!!!!! No tracks no signs again with the word nothing. We are convinced that he was stolen, WHY you ask, I have been asking the same question every ten minutes in my brain. NO CLUE. Meanwhile....Ma Jones watched the boys so we could go on the Great Gordy Excursion. She took them to Wal-mart, Mac Shack and then to see the Easter Bunny. She got a great pic of this!!! So as for the rest of the weekend you ask. BLAH!!! Our Easter egg hunt was cancelled due to rain, Hunter's ball practice was cancelled due to rain. We skipped going to VEISHEA because it was FREEZING out. So we just stayed inside all morning until about 1 o'clock when it started to warm up. Played outside for awhile until it was time to head to the Rodeo. The Rodeo was in Mason City Iowa. We headed up in the afternoon and ate at The Rib Crib with our friends Clint and Lorelee and their kids. Then off to the rodeo for just Bulls and mutton bustin. The boys got some new hats to support their cowboy way and then had the bull riders sign them afterwards. Hunter told them to leave room his uncle Wade Sundell needed to sign that hat too!! Gunnar pipes up "yeah our uncle Wade". They just looked at the kids in amazement! Too cute. They are so proud of Wade!! We are too!! Anyways here are a couple of videos of the Mutton Bustin. Hunter did pretty good. He was interviewed on the microphone before his ride. And I love the cockiness of his strut back to dad when its over.

Gunnar was cocky before hand telling everyone how he was gonna take that sheep on and give him a what fer. If you can't see in the video he was bawling through the whole thing. LOL!!!!

Enjoy here are some cowboy pictures. Too cute!! This weekend is United's Easter Egg Hunt and our very own Easter Egg Hunt at the Mule on Rouge Ranch. Followed by a visit from the Easter Bunny and coloring Eggs. Until then!!! HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!!!!

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