Saturday, March 19, 2011

Bye bye Teeth!!

So Hunter lost his first top tooth this past weekend!! He lost his two bottom front ones in the fall on a trail ride. He pulled one out on the way to the trail ride and must have gottem bored that night waiting for the tooth fairy because while he was trying to fall asleep he pulled the other one out! Regardless, the tooth fairy found our trailer at Stephen's forest and left him $2 for each tooth. I thought this was serious inflation since I only got 50 cents per tooth. But after talking with coworkers and googling tooth fairies. Apparently we are under the national average!! We must find us a new tooth fairy!!! One that brings a gift AND a fair sum of money!! WOW.. So I will look into finding a tooth fairy that satisfies the monetary needs of a almost 6 year old. Anyways here are the pics of his first two missing teeth.

Next was his front one. I notice what looked like a gap in between his teeth saturday night on our way down to check out the river. We were just going to cruise down the hill and see what the boys were doing at the Tubing Hut (some guys from ames have built a bar type hut along the river at the big Eddy so when they tube they have a so called beach to stop at). Anyways they were down there with a fire camping and having fun so we thought we would stop in. I said to Hunter what is on your teeth, meaning food?? Nothing, it's just loose. He then continued to wiggle it until he had officially pulled it out and bled all over. Here is a the proud tooth puller below!!

So...tooth tally is 3 out so far!! How many left????

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