This week Hunter got the pleasure of going to Mini Camp!!! I dropped him off Wednesday morning and picked him up on Saturday morning. He got to stay overnight at Camp Hantesa for 3 nights. He stayed in Shady Glade and needless to say he was a wee bit tired on Saturday, but he insisted on going to the Rodeo (mainly because his buddy Hunter D was there).
Anyways Hunter did ok riding but had more fun playing with the kids that were there and doing the boot races. Enjoy the pictures from the rodeo.
Hunter with his buddy Hunter Draeger. I love this picture!!!
Here is Hunter getting ready to go mutton bustin. All decked out in his new duds,thank you to Joel and Carol Wilson. We will use them for both boys!!!
The boys having fun in the truck after Hunter's ride. I think those pigs ate 2 or 3 double cheeseburgers each that afternoon. Rodeo'in must work up an appetite or something :)
Well we have a trail ride next weekend in Stephen's Forest where Hunter will get to ride Buttons (his new mule we are borrowing until he gets up his confidence) Should be fun!! Then mom and dad are off to Eminence again for a 8 day break from parenting!! Yee haw!!!